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Cambourne's new High Street ploys a key role in providing a rapid public transport route serving settlements along the A428. Adding activity to the public realm by connecting Cambourne with Cambridge. offering existing residents greater opportunities to travel to Cambridge and beyond using sustainable transport. By delivering more homes on the High Street, residents will be within walking distance of shops. the Hub, Sockville House and other facilities. This will significantly reduce the need for private cars within Cambourne.


The parking strategy for the site takes into account the options for sustainable travel that new residents will have. Notwithstanding this, it is recognised that residents are still likely to use cars and one parking space is provided for each of the flats and townhouses. The residential parking will be located to the North and South of the new buildings and will be controlled to ensure that they are not used by shoppers.


There will be 32 dedicated parking spaces for customers visiting the shops, which will be in addition to the parking spaces at the settlement centre car park and the Hub. There needs to be a balance between the need to provide parking and the creation of a people focused environment that is not dominated by parked cars.


To ensure that the shops can be successfully let, they need to be serviced off the High Street. The servicing needs of the shops has resulted in the proposals to widen the existing carriageway. The High Street will be designed, and controls put in place, to ensure that the servicing of the shops does not impact upon the use of the High Street as a through route for all traffic.

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